Primary (K-3)

We introduce the separate, though connected, principles of Phonics, Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Mathematics, Social Studies (Geography, History, Civics), and Science. Both the Islamic and Academic experiences increase in expectations as the children matriculate through the grade levels. In addition, all of the children will experience play time (outside when weather permits), use of computer and proper protocol.
Intermediate (4-5)
Students’ individuality starts to become manifest during these years. Though each grade prepares their students for the next level, grades four and five experience a significant increase in rigor and expected academic accomplishment. Grade four remains self-contained for their final year, and grade five will experience an introduction to the typical structure of having different teachers for different subjects.
Standardized assessments take on a more meaningful part of progress assessment. Grade five will have two academic teachers who will teach them either Language Arts and Social Studies, or Math and Science. This is done to ease their transition to middle school, and travelling from classroom to classroom.